10 Foods That Stop Sugar Cravings

1. Dark Chocolate-Covered Fruit

Chocolate-covered strawberries are a great way to get a little bit of sweetness because they are a good source of fiber and other bioactive compounds that help slow the release of carbohydrates into the bloodstream.

2. Dried Fruit

Instead of candies or other sugary treats without nutrients, try dried fruit. Dried fruit has all the vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients of fresh but is sweeter.

3. Sugar Free Gum

A stick of sugar-free gum can quell a sweet tooth. Stress and anxiety boost sweet desires. Over 80 years of studies suggest that chewing gum reduces stress, improves mood, and boosts focus.

4. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is great for satisfying sweet and chocolaty cravings. Dark chocolate contains more cacao, which contains antioxidants that lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart disease risk.

5. Quick Breads And Muffins

Quick breads can replace sugary baked items that are high in calories, fat, and sugar but low in nutrition. Quick breads use less sugar by utilizing fruit or vegetables as sweetness.

6. Fresh Fruit

Fruit naturally sweetens and curbs sugar cravings. Berries, apples, citrus, grapes, and other fruits fulfill sweet tooths with natural sugar. Fruit's fiber delays carb digestion and absorption, satisfying appetites quicker.

7. Favored Yogurt

Flavored yogurt can satisfy your sweet need while providing protein, calcium, and other minerals. Slow digestion with protein reduces blood sugar release.

8. Trail Mix

Sweet cravings can be satisfied with trail mix. The nuts add fiber and protein, while the dried fruit and chocolate add sweetness. Trail mix has 150 calories and fat per ¼ cup serving, thus limit consumption.

9. Cottage Cheese With Fruit

Several brands of cottage cheese with fruit offer sweetness and nutritious value. Protein-rich cottage cheese has little additional sugar. Sugary single-serve quantities are under 150 calories and satisfy your sweet taste.

10. Protein-Rich Energy Bar

Protein-rich energy or snack bars are one of my favorite ways to feel like a sweet treat. I prefer bars with fewer than 8 grams of added sugar (2 teaspoons) and around 200 calories. Hundreds of choices exist.

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